Emf Protection Blogs
Can cell phone radiation exposure cause high blood pressure?
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
According to latest study released at annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension in San Francisco, cell phone radiation may cause higher systolic blood pressure. Apparently, talking over smart phone can trigger an increase in pressure readings corresponding to "serge" occurring in each heartbeat, which is a number that doctors pay most attention to as a risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It is a well known fact that hypertension increases the risk of serious heart diseases. According to UK statistics, 350 heart attacks each day can be prevented. Hypertension is also known as "silent killer"; even small variations in readings over...
Laptop radiation – Myths and facts you need to know.
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
Laptops are big convenience in today’s busy and on-the-go world, but if you are one of countless people who use portable computers for many hours a day – laptop radiation may be the greatest source of radiation you are exposed to without even realizing it. Here are some myths and facts to help you get better insight about what you are exposing yourself to each time you put your portable pc on your lap: A fact - Laptops emit radiation Like any other electrical device, they emit electromagnetic radiation. It’s a type of low radio waves, coming from electronics inside...
Laptop Radiation Protection – Have fun and stay healthy
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
Laptop radiation protection is a topic that currently gets a lot of public attention. With a good reason too; results of many recent studies suggested regular exposure to radiation from laptops might create rather serious health problems, namely fertility in men, testicles cancer, miscarriages in women, fetus development problems, fragmentation of DNA, skin irritations, rashes etc. Scientists are still working on demystifying dangers of electromagnetic pollution, while in the meantime, most advise caution. If you like the benefits of portable computers, these are few simple and easy tips on how to keep enjoying them the safe way. 5 Basic principles...
Laptop Radiation and Health – The high price of comfort
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
The subject of laptop radiation and health has been an ongoing debate for quite some time now. So far, various studies and experts came to various results, but they usually agree on one thing – radiation from laptop should be approached with precaution. If you, just like so many of us, use your portable PCs every day and don’t even notice how time flies by while you’re playing your favorite game, chatting with your friends or watching the last episode of your favorite series and you have the habit of placing the device on your lap – here are some...
WiFi Radiation Exposed: Symptoms, Risks and Protection
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
It’s hard to comprehend the amount of WiFi radiation around us since it’s invisible and we can’t hear or smell it. Yet, understanding that we are under influence of microwaves even though we can’t see them - is very important. Each time we get exposed to wireless technology, it slightly changes natural biochemistry in our cells. Eventually, this can lead to serious irreversible health problems. WiFi radiation and modern living Wireless connectivity is one of the fastest spreading technologies of all time. In two decades, it became a part of almost every home, business office, shopping mall, hotel, library or...