Emf Protection Blogs
The importance of distance from Emfs
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
Cell phone safety is becoming a widely used term. We can translate this word as “finding a way to benefit from modern technologies without being at risk of potential health problems cell phone radiation can cause”. Although mobile phones are relatively new convenience and they have been in our lives only for a few decades, today it's difficult to imagine modern life without them. Yet, evidence supporting hazardous impact of mobile phone radiation on human health is building up. World Health Organization has classified cell phone radiation as "possible human carcinogen" and every new study brings more information and deeper...
EMF Radiation Exposure and Pregnancy
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
EMF radiation has been linked to various diseases and health problems. Children, pregnant women and patients with compromised immune system are most vulnerable categories. EMF radiation comes from variety of sources; cell phones, computers, TVs, power cords, kitchen appliances, blow driers, vacuum cleaners, cell phone towers, smart meters, power lines – in short every device powered by electricity that we use in our daily lives and are exposed to inside our homes, at work or anywhere else. Consequences of being exposed to EMF radiation depend on many factors and research done by wide variety of medical and scientific experts links...
The (un)healthy EMF radiation
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
Although mobile phones have countless practical advantages in today's living, evidence indicating cell phone radiation is a serious health hazard is building up. The mechanism in which EMF radiation from mobile phones actually affects human cells is not completely clear and it will take time and more research to reveal long-term consequences of its impact on human health. Waiting for clear evidence could take decades. Today we know smoking causes lung cancer, however, even 60 years after the first serious testing of cigarette smoke toxicity, we still don't completely understand it. First clear evidence linking cigarette smoke and lung cancer...
Electrical hypersensitivity
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
Electrical sensitivity (ES), also known as electromagnetic, radio or microwave sensitivity is another recently defined environmentally triggered illness. It is defined as health condition where health problems are manifested even during low exposures to electromagnetic radiation. People who suffer from this illness manifest various symptoms, and most common are: skin irritations (rash, itching, burning or tingling), low concentration or memory abilities, chronic fatigue and lack of energy, headaches, sleep disorders, chest pain or heart problems. Other less reported symptoms include feeling of pressure in ears, ear pain or "ringing" in ears, panic attacks, seizures, sensation of the whole body tremors,...
EMF Protection Measures and Tips
Posted by Emf Protection Store on
No doubt, living in the Age of Technology has many advantages, but has it’s negative sides to. With every new day, we surround ourselves with more and more electronic devices that help us lead easier and more comfortable life. Yet, each and every electrical device has it's own EMF field, and there are evidence pointing these man made EMFs could be potentially dangerous to human health. The World Health Organization has classified cellphone radiation as “possible carcinogenic”, and many studies show EMF pollution could be especially harmful for children, pregnant women, elderly and patients with compromised immune system due to...